
a)What is cloud computing ?

The term "cloud" was first used to metaphorically depict how the intricate telephone networks interconnected when the internet was still in its infancy. Presently, a lot of people and organizations refer to it as "THE cloud," yet it doesn't exist in a single location or as a single thing. So, exactly what is it?  

A computer model known as the "cloud" makes use of the internet to enable servers, networks, storage, development tools, and even applications (apps). Some or all of these requirements are taken care of by a cloud service provider, saving enterprises from having to make significant financial commitments to purchase equipment, train people, and provide continuous maintenance.

b)Why is cloud computing important ?

Companies had to store all of their software and data on their own servers and hard drives prior to cloud computing. The need for storage increased with the size of the business. This approach to data management is not fast-scalable. For instance, if word of your business spread and you received a lot of online orders at once, your servers would probably crash. The IT department had to work hard for good business. 

Cloud computing isn't just beneficial to businesses. The cloud has also altered our individual lives. Cloud services are used by many of us every day. Most of the time, we use applications hosted by cloud services when we check our bank accounts, watch a new streaming series, or update our social media status. Instead of being installed on our devices or hard drives, these apps are accessed online. 

Companies can now scale and adapt quickly and scale, accelerate innovation, drive business agility, streamline operations, and reduce costs thanks to cloud technology. This not only has the potential to assist businesses in overcoming the current crisis, but it also has the potential to result in expanded, long-term growth. Our Future Systems research shows that financial results are better for businesses that approach technology with greater strategicity. They're growing their revenue more than twice as fast as companies that don't use and implement their technology. In point of fact, advanced cloud services have been used by 95% of leaders. 

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