Consumer goods and services

Consumer goods and services

With five new CPG businesses starting up each week, change is knocking on our door. Additionally, in light of industrial pressures, customers now anticipate businesses to take account of their evolving living, working, and leisure needs. 

In place of a brand-led strategy, CPGs are beginning to view consumers as unique people who want to design and own the brands they interact with, introducing complexity, contradictions, and unpredictable shifts. To overcome this situation, CPGs must embrace 360° value in order to build organizations that are data-driven, human-led, and future-ready. 

Long-term, sustainable value will be produced by businesses that can rethink their customer products, reengineer themselves, and dominate emerging capabilities. In this paper, CPGs can learn more about the 12 traits and 5 guiding concepts they must develop to become future-proof CPGs.

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